About Us

Our Programs:

Investments in housing and community development
Innovative lending and entrepreneurial support
Advisory support for community and economic development
Professional education and training

Stories of Impact



Learn How to Make Opportunity Zones Work for Your Community

Join us Friday, July 27th at 2:00 pm EDT for the next NDC Washington DC Update webinar on “Opportunity Zones” with special guests: Kenan Fikri, Director for Research at the Economic Innovation Group (EIG) and NDC’s West Team Leader, Chuck Depew The...

Closing the Final Chapter on FY18 Funding Webinar

Closing the Final Chapter on FY18 Funding: A comprehensive analysis of fiscal year 2018 funding and an outlook of FY 2019. On Thursday, March 22nd, the NDC Washington D.C. Office held the “Closing the Final Chapter on FY18 Funding” webinar and provided us...

2018 Infrastructure and Budget Webinar

Yesterday, NDC’s Washington D.C. Office and special guest Paul Anderson, Director of Policy and Research at Rapoza Associates, held the “2018 Infrastructure and Budget Edition” webinar and provided us with: • An analysis of the 2-year bipartisan...