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Our Programs:

Investments in housing and community development
Innovative lending and entrepreneurial support
Advisory support for community and economic development
Professional education and training

Stories of Impact



NDC Washington D.C. Update Webinar Series: Summer Recess Edition

NDC’s Washington D.C. Update Webinar Series resumed yesterday with the “Summer Recess” webinar that prepared our client communities and stakeholders for the annual August Congressional recess period. We equipped participants with the necessary tools...

The Changing Landscape in Washington Webinar Series

Dear NDC’s Changing Landscape in Washington Webinar Series faithful: We began this endeavor shortly after the 2016 elections to better acclimate our client communities and stakeholders with the shifting change of power that occurred as a result. Now that we are...

Trump FY18 Budget Proposals: Impacts on Community Economic Development and Next Steps

On yesterday’s Trump FY18 Budget Proposals webinar, NDC’s Jane Campbell and Ken Baker discussed President Trump’s proposed FY18 budget and the impacts on community economic development. RELATED POST: POTUS FY18 BUDGET REQUEST This was another...

POTUS FY18 Budget Request

Yesterday afternoon the Trump Administration submitted to the Congress their proposed budget for FY18. See the analysis HERE as well as the administration’s talking points.   This budget lives up to the preview we saw in the “skinny budget” released in March and...

Follow the Money: FY17 Update and Outlook for FY18 webinar

Follow the Money: FY17 Update and Outlook for FY18 House and Senate appropriators have unveiled the text of an omnibus spending bill to fund the government for the rest of the fiscal year 2017. In this webinar, we will discuss the enacted omnibus and its impact on...

Live Recording: Status of Historic Preservation Tax Credits and the Federal Tax Exemption for Interest on Municipal Bonds

Did you miss today’s live webinar? Hear what the experts, Patrick Robertson and John Godfrey, had to say about the future of the Historic Tax Credit and municipal bond exemption. View previous blog post Presentation: Status of Historic Preservation Tax Credits...