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Los Angeles County Small Business Rent Relief

Los Angeles County Small Business Rent Relief

Purpose: Utilizing American Rescue Plan (“ARP”) Act of 2021 funds, Los Angeles County is launching the Small Business Rent Relief Project (“SBRR”).  The National Development Council (NDC) as Subrecipient shall assist the County in administering and deploying up to $7.5 million in ARP Act funds to provide rental assistance to qualified small businesses tenants in unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County of up to $40,000 who have been unable to pay rent due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Project funds shall be paid directly to the qualified small business tenant to pay for past rent due during the time period of March 4, 2020, to the present.

Funding: $7.5 million in ARP Act Funds

Type of Assistance: Grant

Minimum Grant Amount: $5,000

Maximum Grant Amount: $40,000

Grant Calculation: Eligible uses of funds are past due rent only starting from March 4, 2020, to the present, as documented by a current invoice or rent statement showing current amount rent owed to an unrelated and unaffiliated third party. Rent owed must be for a brick and mortar location in an unincorporated area of Los Angeles County. Businesses MUST have actual documented past due rents from March 4, 2020, to the present, totaling an amount of at least $5,000 to be eligible for the project. Business storage units and hair salon stations, nail stations, or other personal care businesses where a sublease is required are NOT eligible.

Unincorporated LA County Mapping Tool:

For more information on the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County, please visit: https://lacounty.gov/government/about-la-county/unincorporated-areas/.

Definition of Small Business:

•   Eligible small businesses must have annual total gross revenues of no more              than $1 million (verified by 2020 tax return).

•   Must have an annual average number of nine or fewer full-time equivalent                employees (verified by Q3 2020 IRS Form 941).

Other Eligibility Requirements:

•   Business must be open at time of application submittal.

•   Businesses must be located at the same brick and mortar location at                            a minimum of 24 months as of June 22, 2019.

•   Demonstrate a gross revenue loss of at least 25% over a 12-month period            falling at least in part within the period of the County’s COVID-19 emergency              order as verified by a signed Statement of Impact attestation.

•   Business must provide a business license showing business address reflecting          business is located within the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County.

•   Businesses that have already received assistance from other Los Angeles County ARP Act-funded projects, ARE NOT eligible for this Project.

Excluded Businesses:

•   Financial institutions, such as banks, lenders, pay day lenders, auto title lenders,        check cashers, other businesses whose stock in trade is money and mortgages,        and other similar entities;

•   Passive businesses owned by developers and landlords that do not actively use        or occupy the assets acquired or improved with the loan proceeds (except                  Eligible Passive Companies under § 120.111);

•   Insurance companies, such as life insurance, auto, home, bail bond, and other          similar entities;

•   Businesses located in a foreign country or with foreign entities with a business          interest greater than 20%;

•   Pyramid sale distribution plans;

•   Businesses deriving more than one-third of gross annual revenue from legal             gambling activities;

•   Businesses engaged in any illegal activity;

•   Private or social clubs;

•   Businesses which limit the number of memberships for reasons other than                capacity;

•   Government-owned entities (except for businesses owned or controlled by a              Native American tribe);

•   Businesses principally engaged in teaching, instructing, counseling or                          indoctrinating religion or religious beliefs, whether in a religious or secular                  setting;

•   Loan packagers earning more than one third of their gross annual revenue from      packaging SBA loans;

•   Businesses in which the Lender, or any of its Associates owns an equity interest;

•   Businesses which:

_____(1) Present live performances of a prurient sexual nature; or
___   (2) Derive directly or indirectly more than de minimis gross revenue through                   the sale of products or services, or the presentation of any depictions                           or displays, of a prurient sexual nature.

•   Nightclubs;

•   Corporate-owned fast food restaurants (franchisees are eligible);

•   Check cashing, liquor stores, smoke/cannabis shops, and firearms retailers;

•   Any business where it or its principals or management have been debarred                from doing business with the County, State, or Federal government business or        on any Office of Foreign Assets Control or similar list;

•   Home-based businesses;

•   Bars where no food is prepared on site;

•   Businesses engaged in psychic services such as astrology, fortune telling, palm        reading, tarot card reading, etc.;

•   Lobbying firms or businesses who dedicate 50% or more of their time or                      resources to lobbying activities;

•   Pawn-shops

•   Businesses that do not have a brick and mortar location. Businesses must                  be located at the same brick and mortar location at a minimum of 24 months as      of June 22, 2019;

•   Business storage units;

•   Hair salon stations, nail stations or other personal care businesses where a                  sublease is required; and

•   Businesses that have already received assistance from other Los Angeles County ARP Act funded projects identified under other eligibility requirements.

Prioritization of Funds: Prioritization based on an equity lens. The equity lens will use the COVID-19 Vulnerability and Recovery Index (Index) which identifies communities most in need of immediate and long-term pandemic and economic relief interventions based on relative risk using indicators that assess risk factors for COVID-19 infection, vulnerability to severe outcomes if infected, and ability to recover from the health, economic, and social impacts of the pandemic.  The Index stratifies communities into five need tiers, ranging from highest to lowest need.  The percent of funds to be distributed per tier are:  40%-Highest Need, 35%-High Need, 20%-Moderate Need, 3%-Low Need, and 2%-Lowest Need. Applications will be sorted by tier and a lottery will be held for reach tier to determine ranking order.

Status of Project:

April 30, 2022 – Program Closed

Email:  LACountySBRR@ndconline.org

Phone number: 626-210-4500

LA County Website: https://recovery.lacounty.gov/#


Download Wait-list Admission BELOW:

Wait-list Admissions

LOTTERY RESULTS ARE LIVE! Watch webinar here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/recording/2210479486781522960

Download Live Lottery Results BELOW:

Lowest Need

Low Need

Moderate Need

Resources, Click Link Below:
Guidelines in English
Guidelines in Spanish
Guidelines in Armenian
Guidelines in Chinese
Guidelines in Korean
FAQ in English
FAQ in Spanish
FAQ in Armenian
FAQ in Chinese
FAQ in Korean
Marketing Flyer in English
Marketing Flyer in Spanish
Marketing Flyer in Armenian
Marketing Flyer in Chinese
Marketing Flyer in Korean

Applicant Resources
Required Documents

Webinar Presentation

Click on the image below to view the recorded webinar.

LAC SBRR webinar