About Us

Our Programs:

Investments in housing and community development
Lending and entrepreneurial support
Advisory support for community and economic development
Training and professional education

Stories of Impact



NDC Training Coronavirus Updates

Last updated: 3/12/2020 Given the most current information concerning the coronavirus (COVID-19), we feel it is appropriate to postpone all NDC training classes that are scheduled through the month of April. We will continue monitoring guidance from the Centers for...

You Asked, We Delivered! NDC Proudly Announces: ED101-Economic Development Finance ONLINE!

The National Development Council (NDC) is launching its first online and self-paced certification course for community and economic development finance professionals, ED101-Economic Development Finance Online. Registration for the nationally acclaimed ED101 class is...

The 2020 NDC Training Schedule is Now Available

Register Now for NDC’s Remaining 2019 Nationally Acclaimed Development Finance Courses and Save with 2019 Tuition Prices! Download Training Brochure & Schedule Register Now

In-District Advocacy Webinar

Updated: July 31, 2019 Downloads Presentation Toolkit WATCH RECORDING>> Discounts: NDC Training- Save 10% on remaining 2019 NDC Training courses until Aug. 31, 2019. Use promotional code: NDCadvocacy Powtoon- Save 15% off on the annual Pro and Pro+ plans. In a...