Updated: 12/9/2018
On Friday, December 7th, NDC hosted another webinar on Opportunity Zones with special guests Ira Weinstein – CohnReznick; Jim Howard – DV Financial Services; Kenan Fikri -EIG; Kevin Rogers -PNC Bank; and Matthew Wexler – NDC.
This webinar brought together over 900 attendees who learned about the proposed regulations from the U.S. Department of the Treasury, heard specific examples of Qualified Opportunity Funds, and gathered strategies for states and cities to showcase their projects for potential investors.
If you were not able to attend Friday’s webinar on Opportunity Zones, we have provided the information below for your convenience.
Webinar materials:
Live recording (91 minutes)
Download presentation
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Please click on the link below for today’s Opportunity Zones webinar login information.