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Stories of Impact



Rocky Boy Health Center

The National Development Council (NDC) announced today a significant New Markets Tax Credit investment in the Rocky Boy Health Center, which serves the members of the Chippewa Cree Tribe and other community residents in and around Box Elder, MT.

Rocky Boy Health Center (RBHC) replaces a facility that was destroyed in a mudslide in 2010. Without a health center on tribal lands, approximately 1,200 patients per year must travel up to four hours for medical treatment, including urgent care. Expanded urgent care capacity allows for 24-hour emergency service for up to 36 patients per day. The facility also increases patient rooms from 12 to 43, accommodating 248 additional patient visits per day; doubles the capacity for diabetic care; and creates a new holistic treatment center that incorporates the family into the treatment and recovery process for the patient.

NDC’s New Markets Tax Credit investment of $7.9M helps to close the equity gap on a project that serves a population in low-income census tracts while creating construction and health care jobs that pay a living wage and provide benefits. The building itself is sustainably designed, including a closed loop geothermal system, LED interior and exterior light fixtures, and fresh-water infrastructure that will serve not only the health facility but 350 low-income households, as well.

“NDC has allocated over $754 million in New Markets Tax Credits since the inception of the program,” said Daniel Marsh, the President and CEO of the National Development Council. “The NMTC investment in Rocky Boy Health Center will bring quality health care to the Chippewa Cree Tribe, this is the sort of investment NDC is proud to have in our portfolio.”