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Investments in housing and community development
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Advisory support for community and economic development
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New York, NY – November 21 – NDC Grow America Fund today announced its participation in this year’s Small Business Saturday, taking place on November 26th. Small Business Saturday is a day dedicated to supporting local small businesses and strengthening and celebrating communities across the country.

At NDC we believe small businesses are the growth engine of the American economy, we are very proud of all of our borrowers who work every day to make the dream of wealth creation a reality.

Created by American Express in 2010, Small Business Saturday serves as the ceremonial kickoff to the holiday shopping season for small businesses across the United States. In 2015, 95 million consumers shopped at small businesses on Small Business Saturday and spent an estimated $16.2 billion at independent retailers and restaurants on the day, according to the 2015 Small Business Saturday Consumer Insights Survey.1 The day was also championed by elected officials in all 50 states and Washington, D.C., including President Obama.

NDC Grow America Fund recognizes the importance of supporting small businesses, the jobs they help create, and the culture they instill in local communities. According to the U.S. Small Businesses Administration, as of 2014, small businesses nationwide accounted for 63% of net new private-sector jobs created and represented 99.7% of firms with paid employees.2

Merchants and consumers can learn more about Small Business Saturday and how to get involved by visiting ShopSmall.com.


November 26th marks the seventh annual Small Business Saturday, a day to support the small businesses that can create jobs, boost the economy and preserve neighborhoods around the country. Small Business Saturday was created in 2010 in response to small business owners’ most pressing need: more customers.


NDC GAF is a national small business lending program, working with individual Community Partners, to provide financing to growing small businesses throughout the country. NDC operates as a community development lender to support the creation of jobs and the expansion of eligible small businesses in underserved communities, particularly minority and women-owned businesses. Our loans are partially guaranteed by the U.S. Small Business Administration under NDC Grow America Fund’s Small Business Lending Company license. We have Preferred Lender status nationwide.

As a lender focused on community development, we provide credit that will offer the greatest opportunity to sustain and grow the business and its jobs, and economic health of the community. We offer the following competitive terms that are designed to meet those goals.

1Estimates are based on consumer self-reported data from the Small Business Saturday Consumer Insights Survey by National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) and American Express (November 30, 2015) and do not reflect actual receipts or sales.

2Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy Frequently Asked Questions, March 2014.