Check out our photos from the event!
Tri-State Biodiesl Facility Bridgeport, CT
NDC’s Tess Lee
Mayor Bill Finch and Kevin Gremse
TSB’s Robert Hauer explains the conversion process
Robert Hauer Touring the Facility
Interview with Mayor Finch
TSB’s Robert Hauer
NDC’s GAF team joined Mayor Finch at the Official Groundbreaking of Tri-State Biodiesel
Tri-State Biodiesel Bridgeport, CT
The Tri-State Biodiesel project is part of a significant green investment into the Bridgeport Eco-Industrial Park that supports the creation of new “green collar” jobs. Tri-State Biodiesel expects to create an additional 25 jobs, targeted to residents of the low-income community, within the first two years of operation.
Capital provided by NDC’s Grow America Fund will support the construction of a new state-of-the-art bio refinery, where Tri-State Biodiesel will manufacture and distribute biodiesel fuel. NDC’s Grow America Fund also partnered with the The JPMorgan Chase Foundation’s Collaboratives Program, which is designed to help small business lenders build capacity and to jumpstart job creation in low- and moderate-income communities.