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Huntington Beach Revolving Loan Funds

 To apply, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.


HB City Seal - Transparent


Huntington Beach Revolving Loan Funds

The City of Huntington Beach and NDC are establishing and capitalizing two new loan funds, the Grow America Fund of Huntington Beach and the Huntington Beach Micro Loan Fund, as economic development tools designed to assist eligible small businesses within the City of Huntington Beach to obtain the financing required to start and grow their business.

v2 Huntington Beach Website Graphic


Huntington Beach Micro Loan Fund Marketing Flyer

Grow America Fund of Huntington Beach Marketing Flyer


Contact Information:

City of Huntington Beach

Economic Development Division

Phone: (714) 536-5582

City Website: https://www.hbbiz.com/