The federal budget has been on a collision course with sequester spending caps since they were put in place in 2011. With the caps in place, the math just doesn’t add up for programs supporting families and neighborhoods and building a ladder to the middle class.
A Congressional spending bill that lifts sequester spending caps is the most feasible way to avoid the severe cuts to HUD and other programs recently passed by the House and Senate. We need to influence Members of Congress in their districts during their August recess. They return to DC on September 8 to pass a budget deal.
Sign on to join the Caps Hurt Communities Campaign. The campaign will have sign-on letters, call-in days, twitter storms, and office visits throughout the summer. The campaign will clearly tell Congress that families and communities should not suffer from a budget gimmick that does not solve the federal deficit.
Tweet using #CapsHurt hashtag.
Sample tweets:
LIFT the unfair budget caps and END the sequester cuts for a stronger and more prosperous America. #CapsHurt
Families thrive because of housing&community development investments. #Congress should increase #AffordableHousing resources. #CapsHurt
America is stronger and prosperous when we have decent, affordable homes & stable communities. #CapsHurt
Get creative and combine hashtags, such as #CapsHurt #RuralAmerica. Add images to your Tweets. You’ll find them at www.CapsHurtCommunities.
Thousands of activists who care deeply about the effects of sequestration of families and communities are uniting around this campaign over the summer.
Sign on to join the campaign now and stay tuned throughout the summer!