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Investments in housing and community development
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Stories of Impact



Morgan Stanley, National Urban League Urban Empowerment Fund (NUL-UEF), National Development Council (NDC), and the Urban League of Broward County (ULBC) will launch a historic initiative to provide minority owned businesses in Florida with greater access to capital through the Capital Access Fund (CAF) – a lending platform which provides access to capital and business education for minority entrepreneurs. Through the partnership, CAF and the ULBC’s Entrepreneurship Center will expand its efforts to promote sustainability, create jobs and build community wealth in Florida.

To launch CAF in Florida, the Urban League of Broward County will host the M3 Business Summit: Money, Markets & Management. The Summit will be held at the Urban League of Broward County’s Community Empowerment Center in Fort Lauderdale (560 NW 27th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311) and will serve as an engaging forum of panel discussions and presentations focused on solutions to assist minority owned businesses with issues faced in today’s business climate.  The goal of the M3 Business Summit is to give minority small business owners the resources needed – technical assistance, market exposure, and capital funding – to grow and develop their businesses.

Featured guests and speakers include Marc Morial, president and CEO of the National Urban League; Carla Harris, vice chairman of Morgan Stanley; Bob Davenport of the National Development Council; Nancy Allen, CEO of the Women’s Business Development Council of Florida; Beatrice Louissant, CEO of the Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council; and state and local officials.

For more information, Click HERE