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Daniel Marsh, President and CEO of the National Development Council, will join a panel of experts convened to discuss how higher education can use the P3 model to grow their campuses.

April 4, 2017- New York, NY- The New England Board of Higher Education and RSM are convening two panels on Monday, April 10 at RSM’s Boston office to discuss the future of P3s for campus development.

Joining one of the panels is Daniel Marsh—the newly appointed President and CEO of the National Development Council—who was an early pioneer of P3 projects, and developed a unique model that NDC has been using since the 1980s. Under Mr. Marsh’s leadership, NDC developed the American Model™, which utilizes tax-exempt bonds to develop social infrastructure, such as campus laboratories, student housing and student centers.

“It’s unique in the world of public sector developers,” Mr. Marsh explained to Bond Buyer in a recent article. “We can incorporate any number of single asset standalone corporations.”

For example, in the early 2000s, NDC began its partnership with the University of Washington. In partnership with NDC, the UW School of Medicine has developed three state-of-the-art laboratory buildings and one administrative building in South Lake Union. In 2015 NDC and the UW School of Medicine announced a fourth biomedical building financed by a $143 million bond issue, bringing the developed square footage to 708,000 and total investment to just over half a billion dollars.

For more information, contact AKelly@ndconline.org.