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Yesterday the House Appropriations Committee approved the fiscal year 2017 Agriculture Appropriations bill, legislation which will provides spending authority for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The bill totals $21.3 billion in discretionary spending, $451 million lower than current enacted FY2016 levels and $281 million below President Obama’s FY2017 budget request.

This bill prioritizes activities that have a direct impact on the American people: critical food and drug safety programs; important rural development programs; and effective agricultural research and support programs. These investments recognize the widespread importance of these efforts – that every American, every day expects and deserves safe and healthful food on their table,” House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers said.

Though lower in top line budget authority the bill provides increased funding for several programs of interest including the Section 502 Direct Single Family Loan Program, Section 515, Mutual Self-Help Housing program, as well as the Multi-Family Housing Revitalization Program (MPR).


  • Section 502 Direct Single Family Loan Program is funded at $1 billion, up $100 million from both the FY16 and the President’s budget for FY17,
  • Section 515 is funded at to $35 million, up from $28.4 million in FY16 and $33.074 million in the President’s FY17 request, and

The Mutual Self-Help Housing program is funded at $30 million, up from the President’s budget request of $18.49 million and the FY16 enacted amount of $27.5 million. A complete analysis prepared by the National Rural Housing Coalition, which NDC is a member of, can be found here.

Also included in the measure is proposed funding of $919 million for Rural Business Loan Authority B&I which closely compares to the previously enacted funding for FY 2015 and FY2016 at $919.7 million respectively. The President’s budget request for this program has increased in recent years, the FY 2017 request of $892 million is $27.7 million below the FY 2016 enacted level and the current House proposed budget.

The Intermediary Relending Program, or IRP, was funded at $18.89 million in Fiscal Years (FY) 2013 through 2015, and at $18.88 in FY 2016. The House proposed budget for FY 2017 would keep funding level for the IRP at $18.89 million.

For more information, contact NDC Washington Office at 202-400-3680 or advocacy@ndconline.org