About Us

Our Programs:

Investments in housing and community development
Lending and entrepreneurial support
Advisory support for community and economic development
Training and professional education

Stories of Impact



Join NDC on Friday April 22nd in Newark for a FREE educational seminar on the NMTC program. Official Invite HERE !

Nationwide, more than $43 billion of New Markets Tax Credit capital has been invested into thousands of businesses and real estate developments since 2002. Please join Chase Community Development Banking, New Jersey Community Capital, National Development Council, Duane Morris LLP, and Monge Capital to learn how to access New Markets Tax Credits for your qualified business or real estate development. These unique tax credits have helped developers and business owners gain access to a low-cost source of capital to solve a portion of their capital needs while creating significant community and economic impact in distressed areas. Please join us to learn more about the New Markets Tax Credit program and find out if your project or business qualifies.