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From our friends at NACEDA- Today is the last day to add your organization to the list!
Sign on TODAY – Tell Congress to stop disproportionate cuts to non-defense spending.
The Federal Budget has been on a collision course with Sequester spending caps since they were put in place in 2011. Budget gimmicks kept us from feeling the full impact of the spending caps in FY14 and FY15.
Congress returns to DC on September 8 to craft a budget deal. These are a few of the cuts on the table:
  • Empty the National Housing Trust Fund in 2016 and forever after (House bill).
  • Effectively eliminate the HOME program with a 93% funding cut (Senate bill).
  • Fail to renew existing vouchers (House bill would not renew 28,000 existing vouchers, Senate bill would not renew 50,000 existing vouchers).
  • Insufficiently fund the renewal of all project-based rental assistance contracts (House bill).
  • Cut public housing capital funds (House and Senate bills).
  • Eliminate increases sought by HUD for Homeless Assistance Grants (House and Senate bills).
More than 1,600 organizations around the country have signed a letter urging Congress to replace Sequester spending caps with a budget deal that fairly balances defense and non-defense discretionary (NDD) spending caps. Read the letter.
Please add your organization to the list. The deadline is TODAY, Friday, August 21.