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Our Partners @ National Alliance of Community Economic Development Associations have asked for your HELP!

Sign on HERE

The 2015 budget process is now in high gear. On March 4, President Obama submitted his formal budget request to Congress. Secretary Donovan unveiled HUD’s proposed FY 2015 budget. Now, it’s up to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations to decide how much funding each of the 12 appropriations subcommittees will receive in Fiscal Year 2015.

This is a key opportunity to influence funding levels for the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Transportation. Please add your organization’s name to a sign-on letter that was very successful last year. With Rep. Frelinghuysen on the Appropriations Committee, having a good showing from New Jersey is particularly important.

Sign on to urge leaders of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees to allocate the highest possible levels of funding to the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (THUD) Subcommittees, so they have the resources they need to fully fund all housing programs. Read the full letter.

Last year, more than 2,400 organizations signed the letter. Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) cited the letter and waved it in her hand when discussing funding allocations.

Sign on now!

Encourage your members and partners to sign on too. Reach out to transportation advocates in your community. Members of Congress expressed a particular interest in Chambers of Commerce last year. If you work with a local chamber or downtown business council that cares about Americans having a stable home and access to transportation and opportunity, please ask them to sign the letter.

The deadline to sign on is March 12. Let’s get more than 3,000 organizations to sign on to preserve housing and transportation funding!