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Our Programs:

Investments in housing and community development
Lending and entrepreneurial support
Advisory support for community and economic development
Training and professional education

Stories of Impact



The Ed Roberts Campus in South Berkeley, CA is State-of-the-Art…and One-of-a-Kind

The Ed Roberts Campus (ERC), a facility created by a unique collaboration among seven disability rights organizations, opened its doors on November 1, 2010.  An 80,000 square foot facility located at the Ashby BART transit station in Berkeley, CA, ERC is a model of universal design and transit-oriented development for people with disabilities.

NDC’s HEDC New Markets, Inc.and the Northern California Community Loan Fund teamed up with investor partner JPMorgan Chase to bring critical New Markets Tax Credit equity to the project financing package.

With all seven partner organizations settled in to their new space, ERC is fully up and running. Says Dmitri Belser of The Center for Accessible Technology, and ERC president. “ ERC is incredible place.  After all these years, seeing the facility being used by our clients is so rewarding.”

Read the full ERC story published in the Reznick Group’s Winter 2011 newsletter.