About Us

Our Programs:

Investments in housing and community development
Lending and entrepreneurial support
Advisory support for community and economic development
Training and professional education

Stories of Impact



With generous support from the Citi Foundation, the state of California will be home to over 60 new certified Economic Development Finance Professionalsin 2010. Concurrent EDFP Certification Programs are now underway in Los Angeles and San Francisco and will conclude in late 2010.  Citi’s investment in California’s economic development practitioners and the communities they serve is already paying off in a new revolving loan fund in Morgan Hill. Established through NDC’s Grow America Fund, the Grow Morgan Hill Fund will support Morgan Hill’s small businesses to the tune of over $2 million. We are pleased to partner with Citi and the Citi Foundation to make this training available in California and to see training attendees already making a difference in the communities where they live and work.