About Us

Our Programs:

Investments in housing and community development
Lending and entrepreneurial support
Advisory support for community and economic development
Training and professional education

Stories of Impact



In cooperation with Congressman Brian Higgins’s (NY-D27), NDC’s David Trevisani taught a four-hour condensed session on the New Markets Tax Credit program.  Practitioners, bankers and community partners from Buffalo and other local areas were in attendance.  The course was designed to take the mystery out of NMTCs and teach the participants the basics of the program, what NMTCs are and how they are allocated, through the all-important legal and regulatory parameters, to the financing models that work best and maximize NMTC benefits.  It’s a phenomenal program that creates jobs, reinvests into communities and creates incentives to revitalize neighborhoods.  We are looking forward to updates from the staff on the progress being made with potential NMTC projects.