About Us

Our Programs:

Investments in housing and community development
Lending and entrepreneurial support
Advisory support for community and economic development
Training and professional education

Stories of Impact



Since it opened three years ago, the North Albany YMCA has become a vital center for community life in a neighborhood that has little in the way of social or fitness services, community gathering sites, or activities for youth and a history of blight and urban decay. The Albany Housing Authority targeted the neighborhood for revitalization and renewal, identifying its 290-unit public housing development as a HOPE VI Redevelopment site.  The cornerstone of this redevelopment: the YMCA.

With a focus on addressing systemic problems, the HOPE VI redevelopment called for the transformation of the public housing development into 80 two-family homes, the development of a community service center, the renovation of the area’s K-8 school, set-aside funds for the rehabilitation of private housing, and investment in economic development for commercial development and employment opportunities for area residents.  The new YMCA was planned as a central component of this redevelopment because its famous “Y” brand recognition would promise stability and attract a diverse membership from nearby middle-to-high income neighborhoods. This in turn would both help change the area’s image and, with that full-paying membership, help support the branch’s financial viability. The Y was built using a mix of public and private funds, including the critical New Markets Tax Credit, and since its doors opened, it has realized its goals of attracting a diverse member base, and achieving the positive impacts envisioned for the renewal and revitalization project.