About Us

Our Programs:

Investments in housing and community development
Lending and entrepreneurial support
Advisory support for community and economic development
Training and professional education

Stories of Impact



Wyandanch Rising

The Wyandanch Village development, a rail-centered hamlet in the Town of Babylon is the cornerstone project of the Wyandanch revitalization plan. The development has spurred community revitalization, infrastructure investment in roads, sewers and a parking garage, and has created a transit oriented-brownfield redevelopment that includes affordable rental housing, public services, and the Long Island Music Hall of Fame.Wyandanch Photo Body

The Town of Babylon leveraged Wyandanch’s main asset, a train station on the Long Island Railroad line, to bring a new life into this south shore community. The 142-acre project, guided by the principles of “smart growth” and aided by a diverse financing plan, has created 170 units of housing, 40,000 square feet of commercial space, 100,000 square feet of commercial office and public space, a public plaza, structured parking and great improvements to the Geiger Lake Memorial public park. The Town’s efforts were recognized by the State of New York, which designated Wyandanch as one of three “spotlight communities,” an initiative designed to demonstrate how existing state programs can support and complement local efforts to redevelop brownfields and achieve neighborhood revitalization and smart growth.

Through a NDC Technical Assistance contract, NDC’s field director Kevin Gremse provided the Town of Babylon, with planning and financing expertise that helped to guide the complex project. The NDC contract helped evaluate the financial feasibility of the development plans, select the most experienced and capable development team, and determine the most appropriate development tools to be used as part of a complex financial structure. NDC guided the solicitation and selection of the development team for the targeted development site and assisted in negotiating the terms of the Land Disposition Agreement(s) for land made available to the development by the Town.