About Us

Our Programs:

Investments in housing and community development
Lending and entrepreneurial support
Advisory support for community and economic development
Training and professional education

Stories of Impact



Public-private partnerships

Social infrastructure and public-private partnerships

Grow America’s American Model™ of P3 works on behalf of a government or non-profit entity to deliver privately designed, built, financed, operated and maintained facilities. Our process ensures the best possible building for the least cost and burden to the governmental or non-profit entity. Our emphasis is always on the “public” in Public Private Partnerships. We are dedicated to reducing costs through better management and low-cost financing while maintaining the highest standards of design and construction.

Over $2.0 billion in total development

Grow America P3™ projects include municipal office space, city halls, justice centers, parking garages, laboratory space, student housing, libraries, biomedical facilities, and hospitals. We have completed over 4.0 million square feet of usable development space.

Grow America (formerly NDC) P3 project portfolio

Every project completed on time and under budget

Our approach