About Us

Our Programs:

Investments in housing and community development
Lending and entrepreneurial support
Advisory support for community and economic development
Training and professional education

Stories of Impact



Sponsored Training

Sponsoring Grow America training is an investment in development finance skills and knowledge that will deliver community benefits for years to come.

Housing and Economic Development Networks, State and Local Governments, Community Development Banks and Charitable Foundations across the U.S. have sponsored our training to:

•   Enhance the economic, housing and community development skills of their staff and development partners
•   Secure high-quality training that’s tailored to local and organizational needs

•   Reduce tuition and travel expenses.

Sponsored training options include:

•    Complete Development Finance Professional Certification Series
    Professional Development and Webinar Courses
    Supporting Empowered Emerging Developers (SEED) Academy™
•    Customized Courses

When Grow America comes to your community, development practitioners are able to enhance their financial analysis and problem-solving skills in the same classroom with their colleagues and to collectively discuss and address local development challenges and opportunities.

The states and communities served by our sponsors benefit from the increased capacity of development professionals to move critical projects—small business expansions, affordable housing development, and community facility upgrades—from planning to completion.

In our sponsored training classes, our instructors deliver the skills, case studies and real-world experience that have made our nationwide training the gold standard in the field.

Download more information on Sponsored Training
View a list of our past and current Training Sponsors and Partners