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Certification Programs and Recertification

Certification Programs

View and register for our current courses


Economic Development Finance Professional Certification Program™

Our training is specially geared to developing knowledge and skills essential to making deals happen. The Economic Development Finance Professional (EDFP) Certification Program is a rigorous, four-course training series that explores the skills essential for the successful practice of economic development – business credit and real estate finance analysis techniques, loan packaging procedures, negotiating and problem solving skills and deal structuring techniques. Participants in the EDFP Certification Program build the capacity to translate development opportunities into results for their communities. Topics covered in the EDFP Certification Program include the following:

• Business credit
• Real estate finance analysis
• Loan packaging procedures
• Negotiating and problem solving skills
• Deal structuring techniques

You will learn from the real world examples of Grow America course instructors. In addition to lessons drawn from actual projects, you will learn through hands-on exercises.  You will be presented with projects and will be challenged to complete them successfully.

Certification candidates must complete all four courses and pass the examination administered on the final day of each class. You may attend the courses at your own pace but may not enroll in any course until you have met all prerequisites.

Rental Housing Development Finance Professional Certification Program™

The Rental Housing Development Finance Professional (RHDFP) Certification Program™ is a three-course training series that thoroughly examines the practice of affordable rental housing finance and development. Participants learn the steps of the housing development process, the techniques used to analyze and structure financing for rental housing deals, and the problem solving and negotiating skills needed to make complicated deals feasible. Topics include the rental housing development process, Historic Rehabilitation and Low-Income Housing Tax Credits, negotiating, problem-solving, deal structuring and more.

Certification candidates must complete all three courses (HD420, HD423 and HD435) and pass the examination administered on the final day of each class.  You may attend the courses at your own pace but may not enroll in any course until you have met all prerequisites.

Housing Development Finance Professional Certification Program™

Rental Housing Development Finance Professionals (RHDFPs) may obtain the Housing Development Finance Professional (HDFP) Certification by completing the HD410-Home Ownership Finance Course. Please check the online training schedule for the current HD410 course offerings. The traditional full HDFP Certification program will still be available for sponsorship.

Traditional Housing Development Finance Professional Certification Program™ (Only available for sponsorship)

Grow America’s Housing Development Finance Professional (HDFP) Certification Program is a four-course training program that explores the development process, financial analysis techniques and structuring and negotiating skills needed to successfully develop and finance affordable home ownership and rental housing development.  Skills are taught within the context of case studies based on actual affordable housing development deals that members of our professional staff have structured and implemented in conjunction with clients in urban and rural communities across the country.

Topics covered in the HDFP Certification Program are:

• Understanding the housing development process
• Financial analysis techniques
• Deal Structuring – putting together the financing and other components of a project
• Negotiating – the skills needed to bring the components together

Certification candidates must complete all four courses and pass the examination administered on the final day of each class.  You may attend the courses at your own pace but may not enroll in any course until you have met all prerequisites.


All Certified Development Finance Professionals are required to recertify every three years. Please see the Recertification page for more information.