About Us

Our Programs:

Investments in housing and community development
Lending and entrepreneurial support
Advisory support for community and economic development
Training and professional education

Stories of Impact



Affordable Housing

Grow America Corporate Equity Fund:

More than just equity

Grow America Corporate Equity Fund is Grow America’s affordable housing program. Its syndicated multi-investor funds provide equity capital for the construction and rehabilitation of affordable housing using Low-Income Housing, Historic Preservation and Renewable Energy Tax Credits. The Fund’s investments are at work in communities from rural New York State to Seattle, Washington to Vicksburg, Mississippi to Augusta, Maine.

Our experience and expertise in housing and community development takes our affordable housing initiatives beyond just investing. We work with housing sponsors and developers from the inception of the project, guiding the financial structuring and building the technical capacity of the local housing community. Grow America’s involvement makes the community stronger in two ways: with financial resources, and newly-skilled local housing organizations and developers.

Grow America CEF’s Portfolio includes over 12,780 units of housing for families, seniors and those requiring supportive and assisted living services. These projects have been completed with partners in 30 states, Washington DC and Puerto Rico.


Affordable Housing overview Our Investors Grow America annual report Training program