As a Grow America-Certified Finance Professional, you are recognized as a leader in your field. Keeping your certification and skills up-to-date will enhance your peer recognition and, more importantly, your ability to serve your community and your organization.
Keep your Grow America account up-to-date to ensure that you receive the latest information regarding your recertification.
Important notice
This page is currently under maintenance. Recertification Applications, Recertification Surveys and Approved Vendors will not be accepted at this time. Your certification expiration date will not be negatively affected during this update. Please bookmark this page for further information.
Recertification Process
In 2014, Grow America (formerly NDC) instituted a recertification requirement designed to maintain your professional certification and augment your development finance skills. Grow America certified Development Finance Professionals are required to recertify every three years. Individuals who complete three units of approved activities (generally, one unit is equivalent to one day) will fulfill Grow America’s recertification requirements. In order to maintain your Grow America certification in good standing, certified individuals must complete the recertification requirement every three years.
The Recertification Application must be completed and submitted each time you apply for additional credits. Excess units will not carry over to the next recertification period.
Recertification Survey
Approved Provider Application
Recertification Approved Activities and Providers
Recertification FAQ
Recertification Application
Additional Information
Grow America encourages all certified EDFPs, HDFPs and RHDFPs to complete the recertification requirement. In addition to the benefits already mentioned, they will receive a special tuition discount for Grow America courses and webinars that fulfill the requirements. Individuals who complete recertification will also receive a certificate that recognizes their accomplishment. Grow America will not de-certify individuals who choose not to participate in the program. However, applicants for new jobs often refer potential employers to us for verification of their certification, which in the future, will include reporting on the status of recertification/continuing education.