About Us

Our Programs:

Investments in housing and community development
Lending and entrepreneurial support
Advisory support for community and economic development
Training and professional education

Stories of Impact



After a year of testing, we are ready to bring NDC Training ONE-line.

As the most experienced economic and housing development training nonprofit in the country, NDC has trained over 78,000 aspiring community development professionals for almost fifty years. NDC has also secured generous sponsorship and foundation support that has enabled many of today’s most impactful practitioners to obtain NDC Certification. Many of these professionals might not have been able to afford the required four weeks of training without this support.

However, even though training sessions are offered across the U.S., not everyone who wants to become an Economic Development Financing Professional (EDFP) or Housing Development Finance Professional (HDFP) can attend the full complement of training sessions given expense and time constraints. NDC ONE’s mixed online and in-class courses will be able to reach many more thousands of people at a time when effective economic development and affordable housing production are critically needed in most communities across the country.

NDC ONE will kick off with a fully-online version of our ED101-Economic Development Finance course. ED201-Business Credit Analysis will also be available in a flipped-classroom format with online lecture and skill-building and a 2.5 day in-class session for advanced case study work and the certification examination.

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