About Us

Our Programs:

Investments in housing and community development
Lending and entrepreneurial support
Advisory support for community and economic development
Training and professional education

Stories of Impact



How can I tell if a class is scheduled for this year vs. next year? 
Each of our classes has their own unique code. By looking at the section number, you will be able to see the month, year and location of the class being offered. These codes or section numbers use the following structure: (Course)-(twodigitmonth)(twodigityear)(locationabreviation). Shown in the example below, the first ED101 section/code listed is ED101-0817LA which represents the ED101 course being held August(08) 2017(17) in Los Angeles(LA). The second section listed, ED101-0118DC,  represents the ED101 course being held January(01) 2018(18) in Washington, D.C. You may also select “View” under details to see the dates and class schedule at the top of the next page.

What are the differences between an open, closed and hybrid class? Can I attend a closed class? How do I know if a class is closed or hybrid?
Our open classes are available to everyone and are offered at our open training sites. Our 2018 open training sites will be Washington, D.C., Minneapolis, Los Angeles and Denver. Closed classes, also known as sponsored training, are brought to communities by the sponsor and have restrictions on who may attend. Hybrid classes are offered in partnership with NDC and a training sponsor, therefore, a limited number of registrations will be available to the public. To see if a class is closed or hybrid, please click on the “View” under details and scroll to the “Additional Information” section located at the bottom of the page.

Sign up or update your contact information to ensure you receive the latest notifications regarding current training schedules, hybrid class offerings, discounts, recertification and more.