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Economic Developers—This Talk’s for You!

Join a lively one-hour call and learn how Community Heart & Soul™, the Orton Family Foundation’s signature approach to planning and community development, offers a way to involve everyone—from business owners to neighbors—in planning and development that leads to lasting results. You’ll hear from community development experts who have seen first-hand the transformation that happens when resident-driven economic development takes effect, reducing risk for developers, increasing investor confidence and making possibilities happen in a way that benefits community members and investors, alike. The call includes time for audience Q & A.

Featured speakers are: Jared Duval, economic development director, Vermont Department of Economic Development and Orton Family Foundation trustee; Daniel Stevenson, director of economic and community development, Biddeford, Maine, and Patrick Wright, executive director, Gardiner Main Street, Gardiner, Maine.

Heart & Soul for Economic Development: Why Broad Community Engagement Leads to Revitalization, 4-5 p.m., Eastern, Thursday, April 9, Free. Register today!


Heart & Soul for Economic Development: Why Broad Community Engagement Leads to Revitalization is part of the Orton Family Foundation’s bimonthly Heart & Soul Talks conference call series.
