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We are proud to announce that UW Medicine’s South Lake Union biomedical research campus has won the National Council for Public-Private Partnerships (NCPPP) 2014 Innovation Project Award.  Congratulations to our Partners, UW Medicine, Vulcan Real Estate, Inc., and Perkins+Will!

In 2003, using NDC’s HEDC Public-Private Partnership’s innovative approach to 63-20 financing and our collaborative delivery model, the University of Washington School of Medicine began renovating the already existing Brotman Building into a state-of-the-art biomedical research facility.  The project was the first step in UW Medicine’s multi-phase development plan to build an impressive biomedical research campus in the South Lake Union area of Seattle.  The plan was an important development for the University of Washington and also an important catalyst in the redevelopment of Seattle’s south lake union area.  A Neighborhood in Seattle that suffered from lack of investment but has, in the last ten years, grown exponentially with the addition of several mixed-use housing options, restaurants, retail stores, and the office headquarters for Amazon.com.

The currently completed campus consists of three state-of-the-art laboratory buildings and one office building. It totals 542,000 square-feet, with a total bond issue of more than $362 million.  Plans to continue development (Phases 3.2 and 3.3) will add two new buildings to the same city block as Phase 3.1.  With the completion of Phase 3.3, the entire UW Medicine Lake Union Campus will consist of six buildings and 903,000 square-feet of office and life sciences laboratory space.
The phases of UW Medicine South Lake Union

  • UW South Lake Union Phase I (Brotman Building) – Construction of the UW Medicine South Lake Union Campus began in 2003 with the complete renovation and redevelopment of the 105,000 square-foot Brotman Building. The four-story Building was converted into state-of-the-art biomedical research wet and dry labs, lab support, animal resource spaces, and conference spaces.
  • UW South Lake Union Phase II – The second phase of the south lake union campus included two new buildings on the same city block as the Brotman Building; an office building and a state-of-the-art laboratory facility. The combined square-footage of the second phase totals 288,000 gross square-feet of laboratory and office space. Below-grade parking was also included in the project.
  • UW South Lake Union Phase III – The third phase in UW Medicine’s South Lake Union Campus consists of three lesser phases. Phase 3.1 broke ground in summer 2011 and was completed in 2013. It includes the construction of a 138,000 square-foot research laboratory building directly across the street from the first and second phases of the south lake union campus.
  • UW South Lake Union Phase  IV  and V – Two more buildings, Phase 3.2 and Phase 3.3, totaling more than 300,000 gross square-feet are expected to be built later (dates to be determined) on the same block as phase 3.1.