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Investments in housing and community development
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Advisory support for community and economic development
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Stories of Impact



Buffalo, NY (June 13, 2013) – Sam Beard, Chairman of the National Development Council (NDC) announces today that The Honorable John LaFalce was awarded the NDC Lifetime Achievement Award. LaFalce was presented the award at the NDC Management Meeting on May 29, 2013 in Buffalo, NY.

The National Development Council Lifetime Achievement Award honors the outstanding contributions made in support of economic and community development financing throughout the United States. LaFalce has dedicated over four decades to legislative work in support of small business finance and job creation, exemplifying the Lifetime Achievement honors.

LaFalce believes that small business is historically, and will continue to be, the backbone of the United States economy.  Throughout his over 30 years of public service, LaFalce has been a passionate consumer advocate, his efforts in working to reform a troubled financial system presaged the current financial crisis, and his tireless support for workers, taxpayers, consumers, and small business preserved the financing programs we rely upon today.

“We at the National Development Council are proud to have been his partner in many national initiatives.” Said Sam Beard, Chairman of the National Development Council “Most specifically we are honored to have worked with him to create the United States Small Business Administration’s 503/504 direct lending program in support of his passion for increasing access to capital for all small businesses, with an emphasis on those owned by women and minority entrepreneurs.”

Also in attendance was Niagara Falls Mayor Paul Dyster who in his address to the gathering cited the congressman as a mentor who’s philosophy of governance and accomplishments inspired him to enter politics and pursue a progressive, reformist, green agenda, an agenda that the citizens of Niagara Falls support by evidence of his reelection in 2011.

LaFalce, a Buffalo native graduated from Canisius College in 1961, and Villanova University School of Law in 1964, he entered the Army and served a tour of duty in Vietnam before leaving active duty with the rank of Captain in 1967. In 1970, he ran successfully for the New York Senate. LaFalce served as a Member of Congress from 1975 through 2002, and in 2010, was named as one of Buffalo’s “leading celebrities”.

About the National Development Council
For more than 40 years, the National Development Council has worked to create and implement economic and community development strategies that increase the flow of capital, establish finance programs and help to create a professional economic and community development workforce.  NDC offers a wide range of services, including development assistance, professional training, small business financing and debt and equity for residential, commercial, public and non-profit facilities projects.  To learn more, please visit www.nationaldevelopmentcouncil.org.

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