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Stories of Impact



NDC’s Michelle Morlan and Misty Baskett Run in the Rock ‘n Roll Seattle Half Marathon

On Saturday, June 26, after weeks of training, $2,000 in fundraising, and 13.1 miles of non-stop running, NDC’s Misty Baskett and Michelle Morlan crossed the finish line of the American Cancer Society’s Rock ‘n Roll Seattle Half Marathon. Part of the DetermiNation Marathon Series, the race represents a significant personal accomplishment for both athletes and lands them among thousands of others who since 1996 have swum, biked, and run to raise money and awareness for the fight against cancer.

Misty was heard post-race saying, “Well, that was easy.”  While just the thought of running 13.1 miles makes a lot of us break into a sweat, Misty and Michelle made the commitment and met their goal with aplomb. NDC congratulates both Michelle and Misty on their hard work and perseverance. We are delighted to support their efforts, cheer them on from the sidelines and applaud their accomplishment!

Visit Michelle’s personal fundraising page to learn more about her efforts.