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Investments in housing and community development
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Advisory support for community and economic development
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Training sponsor BB&T honored over 25 new EDFPs at a recognition luncheon at the Westin Peachtree Plaza Hotel in Atlanta as part of the monthly meeting of the Georgia Economic Developers Association on Monday, June 15.  BB&T also extended thanks to its local partner, the GA Department of Communty Affairs,  for its support of the training.

NDC is delighted to recognize the efforts of program participants – completing the 4-course EDFP Certification Program is no small accomplishment!  BB&T’s Capacity Building Training Program, which includes the full range of the NDC training curriculum, has been a boon to economic and housing development practitioners across BB&T’s 13 state footprint.  This latest group of graduates is a powerful testament to BB&T’s commitment to capacity building and investment in the communities it serves.